Use your strengths optimal

Use your strengths optimal

Become a business leader by thinking like an Olympian It is always exciting to watch the Olympics or a world championship. You see the best athletes in the world competing against each other. Powerful men and women who are the absolute best of the best in their...
How to surf the waves of digital disruption to success

How to surf the waves of digital disruption to success

The 2 words that strike fear into the hearts of many executives are ‘digital disruption’. And for a good reason. Digital disruption has lead to the downfall of businesses, which until a few years ago, were successful. It has left a trail of debris of bankrupt...
Is uw bedrijf klaar voor de toekomst?

Is uw bedrijf klaar voor de toekomst?

Niemand kan de toekomst voorspellen met een glazen bol, helaas. Toch kunnen we voorzichtige voorspellingen doen over ontwikkelingen in de toekomst, gebaseerd op de huidige trends en ontwikkelingen. Digitalisering is één van die belangrijke ontwikkelingen. Het digitale...
The power of the “Positive Question”

The power of the “Positive Question”

We want to make the most of our employees, using different techniques and coaching. But the question remains which way works best? There are many roads leading to Rome, but we want to use the most efficient way. One option is to focus on the employee and see...